How To Stop Hair Loss: A Guide To Saving Your Hair

Can hair loss be stopped?

The cause of someone's hair loss will be a factor in whether or not it can be stopped. Some causes of hair loss, such as genetics or age, may be difficult to stop. There are a number of treatments that are available that can slow down the rate of hair loss. 

Hair Loss Treatments

What hair loss solutions for men are available?

Several hair loss solutions for men are available to purchase. You can purchase male hair loss solutions online from UK Meds including well-known medications such as Finasteride and Regaine (Minoxidil).

Hair Loss Treatments

What is Finasteride?

Finasteride is a medication that is approved for the treatment of male pattern baldness. Finasteride works by inhibiting the production of dihydrotestosterone (DHT). By inhibiting this hormone finasteride can help to slow or reverse hair loss for some men. 

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What is

Minoxidil is a medication that is also used to help treat hair loss. Originally, minoxidil was used for high blood pressure, however, it was later discovered to be beneficial for hair growth and preventing further hair loss. 

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Is Finasteride suitable for hair loss in women?

Typically, finasteride is not typically recommended to be used by women that are struggling with hair loss. Finasteride is typically used by men suffering from male pattern baldness. 

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Is Minoxidil suitable for hair loss in women?

Yes, minoxidil has been approved as a hair loss treatment for women. Minoxidil works by increasing blood flow to hair follicles and prolongs the growth phase of the hair cycle. 

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What medical treatments can help to stop hair loss?

A hair transplant restores lost hair but does not prevent further hair loss. UV light therapy and treatments, such as creams and injections, may help with hair growth, though results can vary. 

Hair Loss Treatments

Can changing my diet stop hair loss?

Iron, Vitamin D, protein and omega-3 deficiencies can all contribute to hair loss, as they play crucial roles in the hair growth cycle. Becoming more active may also promote healthier hair growth.

Hair Loss Treatments